
The second phase of the General Crises of Capitalism began with the Second World War and continues today. It has passed through three sub-stages.
These are:

1.First sub-stage; the (first) period from the Second World War to the death of Stalin in March 1953.
2.Second sub-stage; the (second) period from the death of Stalin in March 1953 to the collapse of the USSR in December 1991.
3.The third sub-stage; the (third) period from the collapse of the USSR in December 1991 to the present. Each sub-stage has its own sub-stages (periods).

The main features that determine each sub-stage in the second stage of the General Crises of Capitalism are as follows.

1.The main features of the first sub-stage are as follows.
A) The rapid progress of the construction of communism in the USSR, the rapid progress of the construction of socialism in the European People's Democracies (except Albania), the rapid progress the construction of the foundations of the construction of socialism in the People's Democracies of Albania and China, and therefore the rapid growth of (the socialist-democratic) world market that these countries formed around the USSR with the contribution of the USSR, and apart from the World Capitalist market.
This is the biggest and main factor in the aggravation of the general crisis of world capitalism in the field of economy in this period.
B) The peace, democracy, national freedom and socialism movement based on the People's Democracy countries under the leadership of the USSR, and containing the Communist and Democratic Parties of the United States and all the Metropolises and dependent and colonial countries that became dependent on the United States and the peoples who participated in the struggle under their leadership was formed. The communist parties became stronger day by day thanks to their own programs of People's Democracy and the peace, democracy, national freedom and socialism movement strengthened daily thanks to the exposer and isolation of the world imperialism and the 'third wayists”.
This is the biggest and main factor of the aggravation of the general crisis of world capitalism in the political (diplomacy and military) fields in this period.
The peculiarity of this sub-stage is that the proletariat and peoples of the whole world were marching towards victory under the leadership and around the example of the USSR. All roads lead to communism!

2.The main features of the second sub-stage are as follows.
A) Stopping the construction of communism in the USSR, starting the restoration of capitalism, stopping the construction of socialism in the European People's Democracies (except Albania) that do not oppose and comply with this transformation of the USSR, and the stopping of the construction of the foundations of the construction of socialism in the Albanian and Chinese People's Democracies, and therefore the beginning of the integration of the (socialist-democratic) world market, which these countries created separate from the world capitalist market and around the USSR, with the world capitalist market, and the increase of this integration day by day.
In the field of economy, the aggravation of the general crisis of world capitalism in this period increased due to this transformation, and the worldwide barbaric period of the general crisis of world capitalism began.
B) On the basis of the loss of the leadership of the USSR, and with the loss of the leadership of the People's Democracy countries, the leadership of the Communist and Democratic Parties of the USA and the Metropolises and all dependent and colonial countries that became dependent on the USA, were lost and the peoples who participated in the struggle under their leadership for peace, democracy, national freedom and socialist movement, along with the contribution of the imperialists and the 'third wayists', has been increasingly weakened and suffered defeats throughout this period.
The aggravation of the general crisis of world capitalism in the political (diplomacy and military) fields in this period increased due to this transformation and the worldwide barbaric period of the general crisis of world capitalism began.
The peculiarity of this sub-stage is that all the world's bourgeois and feudalists, the enemies of world communism with all their species that is, the whole world reaction, are advancing towards victory under the leadership and around the US imperialism. Every road leads to imperialist barbarism.

3.The main features of the third sub-stage are as follows.
A) Capitalist restoration was completed in the USSR and People's Democracies, all obstacles to the formation and development of bourgeois property in these countries were cleared, bourgeois property was guaranteed, and the single world capitalist market was re-established. At the same time, microchips had to be used in all areas of social activity.
In the field of economy, the general crisis of world capitalism deepened more than it had ever been in any other period, and imperialist barbarism was intensified.
B) Arriving at the the conclusion that, in the second sub-stage, all kinds of communism-revolutionism were contrary to Stalin's teachings and scientific communism, and that the organizations equipped with these policies led world communism to defeat and therefore humanity to barbarism became unavoidable due to all political, diplomatic and military developments in the second sub-stage and due to the micro-chips and the period of rebuilding communism has begun.
The aggravation of the general crisis of world capitalism in the political (diplomacy and military) fields in this period has reached its extreme point due to microchips and the rebuilding of communism, and the end of the worldwide barbaric period of the general crisis of world capitalism has begun.
The peculiarity of this sub-stage is that the proletariat and peoples of the whole world are marching towards victory around the reconstructed leadership of communism and the example of communist use of microchips. All roads lead to communism!

On the development of the first and second sub-stages, see:
References on the general crisis of capitalism, GENERAL CRISES OF CAPITALISM 1945-1990” 'What’s In a Priority”; “1 May 2013 in Barbarity”; “On the October Revolution and the Determining Character of the International Character of the World Communist Movement” (Ekim Devrimi ve Dünya Komunist Hareketinin Enternasyonal Karekterinin Belirleyicliği Hakkında.)
These periods will be discussed again in connection with the problem of Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR.

The third sub-stage;
The third sub-stage (post-1991) of the second stage of the General Crises of Capitalism also has indications of the return to the beginning of the first stage of the General Crises of Capitalism, just before the First World War (before 1914) and the return to the First World War, that is, to the pre-emergence of the socialist economic system.
This return to the beginning contains all the accumulations of the First and Second stages. The most important of these are the accumulation of the Victorious construction of Socialism and the existence of Microchips. Keeping these in mind, we can also call the third sub-stage of the second stage the Third Stage of the General Crises of Capitalism.
So we are now in the Third Stage of the General Crises of Capitalism. And this is the final stage in the development of Capitalism.
This stage is a stage of barbarism in every field for Capitalism, for the Bourgeoisie, and a stage for victory in every field for Communism and the Proletariat.
This is the stage of the defeat of capitalism and the bourgeoisie on the path of Stalin, the construction of socialism, and therefore communism, on the shining path of the USSR, on the shining path of Stalin, and with the microchips.
This is the era of defeated imperialist barbarism and victorious communism!
This period will be reconsidered in relation to the current crises.