On March 9th the Soviet people and all progressive mankind bade farewell to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, great revolutionary thinker and fighter, colleague of the immortal Lenin, brilliant continuer of his cause, wise leader and teacher of the Soviet people and all the working people.
Together with Lenin, Comrade Stalin founded educated and tempered the Communist Party as the great transforming force of society, upheld in stubborn struggle against enemies the unity, oneness and solidarity of its ranks. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union became the leading force of the international working-class movement.
Together with Lenin, Comrade Stalin led the Party of Communists and the working people of Russia headed by it to the storming of tsarism and capitalism. Under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin the working people destroyed the bourgeois- landlord system and built the first socialist state of workers and peasants in the world, the appearance of which signified the dawn of a new era in world history − the era of the downfall of capitalism and the triumph of Socialism.
After Lenin’s death the Communist Party, having rallied around itself all the Soviet people, carried out, under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, the grand programme of industrialisation of the country and collectivisation of agriculture elaborated by him on the basis of Lenin’s directives; it transformed the Soviet Union from a backward agrarian country into a powerful industrial-collective-farm Power, ensured the construction of Socialism and founded the new economic system which knows neither crises nor unemployment.
For the first time in human history, Comrade Stalin ensured, on the scale of a vast multi-national state, the abolition of the centuries-old national strife. Under the leadership of Comrade Stalin the Communist Party overcame the economic strife and cultural backwardness of the formerly oppressed peoples, united into a single fraternal family all the nations of the Soviet Union and forged the friendship of the peoples which has become a powerful motive force in Soviet society.
Under J. V. Stalin’s leadership the Soviet people emerged with honour from the greatest of all trials in the history of their country − the Great Patriotic War against Hitler fascism. By smashing the hordes of German and Japanese imperialism they upheld the freedom and independence of their homeland and delivered hundreds of millions of people in Europe and Asia from the threat of fascist enslavement.
Also linked with Comrade Stalin’s name and with the Communist Party led by him are all the outstanding achievements registered by the Soviet Union in the postwar: rapid rehabilitation of the national economy, pre-schedule fulfilment of the fourth Five-Year Plan, the flowering of the socialist economy and culture and the constantly rising level of the material wellbeing of the Soviet people. J. V. Stalin equipped the Party and the Soviet people with the grand programme of Communist construction.
All his bright crystal-clear life of fighting revolutionary, of thinker of genius and fearless people’s leader, J. V. Stalin dedicated wholly to sacred struggle for the cause of the working class, for the liberation of the working people. Comrade Stalin’s passing away caused deep anguish in the heart of every honest worker, of every progressive-minded person sincerely striving for peace and friendship among the nations and passionately hating war.
There is not a country in the world, not a corner of the globe in which the ordinary people did not honour the bright memory of the leader and best friend of the working people. By memorial meetings and demonstrations, by stopping work, laying wreaths at J. V. Stalin monuments or on the graves of Soviet soldiers, calling at Soviet Embassies and Legations or by sending letters and telegrams, by lovingly banking bouquets of flowers at his portrait, or simply by heartfelt, endearing words, − wherever condition permitted, everywhere, in all lands, the people expressed their deep sorrow and great love. There is nothing in history to compare with this unprecedentedly mass, truly world-wide expression of boundless love, filial affection and reverence for the greatness of Stalin’s genius.
Ordinary people throughout the world revere Stalin as a remaker of the world, irreconcilable fighter against capitalist~ exploitation, against social and national oppression, valiant champion of the democratic fights and freedom of the working people. They honour him as the greatest master of revolutionary leadership as a political figure of the noblest type, a mountain eagle who, like Lenin, knew no fear in the struggle, who saw farther ahead than anybody else, wise and daring in solving the most complex problems.
All patriots of their countries honour Stalin as the liberator of the peoples to whose unsurpassed generalship world civilisation owes its salvation from the fascist buccaneers. Generations to come will remember Stalin’s historic service to mankind and forever glorify him as the man who saved the honour, freedom and independence of the peoples. The working population in the countries of people’s democracy honour Stalin as the great leader of the mighty camp of peace, democracy and Socialism. In these days of mourning the working people of the People’s Democracies have rallied still closer around the Soviet Union − the mainstay of their independence and security.
All people of good will revere Stalin as the great standard- bearer of peace, consistent and tireless fighter for peace and friendship among the nations. Comrade Stalin always directed the greatest efforts of his genius towards upholding peace for the peoples of all lands.
The Communists in all countries revere Comrade Stalin as the universally recognised leader of the International Communist movement who, after Lenin’s death, took upon his shoulders solicitude for the fraternal Communist and Workers’ Parties, helped daily in their moulding and transformation into militant Marxist parties, into parties of the new type. Thanks to Comrade Stalin’s tireless work the international Communist movement has become a mighty, invincible force.
All forward-looking people revere Stalin as the great master-mind of Marxist-Leninist science. In fierce struggle against the enemies of Marxism Comrade Stalin upheld the immortal teaching of Marx-Engels-Lenin, creatively developed it in keeping with the new historical conditions and enriched it with new theses and conclusions Comrade Stalin’s brilliant works, his reports and speeches, such outstanding creations as the “History of the C.P.S.U. (B), Short Course”, “Marxism and Linguistics’’, “Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.”, his historic speech at the XIX Congress of the C.P.S.U. are the summit of Marxist theoretical thought, programme-documents for all Communist and Workers’ Parties. Comrade Stalin’s classical works equip the Communist and Workers’ Parties with knowledge of the ways for the revolutionary transformation of society, illumine with the inextinguishable light of the Stalin genius the perspectives of the struggle of the peoples of all countries against imperialism, for peace for democracy, for Socialism.
Stalin’s will, Stalin’s wisdom, his fearlessness and his statesman’s mind are embodied in his nursling − the glorious Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in its Lenin-Stalin Central Committee, in its faithful disciples and colleagues. With true Stalin foresight, flexibility and operativeness, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Government and the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. effected a number of vital measures in order further to improve leadership of state and economic affairs. These measures, manifesting the solidarity of the Communist Party, the Government and the Soviet people, found their legislative endorsement in the decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., decisions directed towards ensuring uninterrupted and correct leadership of life in the country, to ensuring successful realisation of the policy elaborated by the Communist Party and the Government both in the internal affairs of the Soviet Union and in international affairs. This policy is, in the future too tirelessly and in every way to strengthen the Soviet Union, its defence might, to develop socialist industry in every way and strengthen the collective- farm system, to strengthen the inviolable alliance of the working class and the collective-farm peasantry, the fraternal friendship of the peoples of the U.S.S.R., to display unremitting care for the wellbeing of the people, for the maximum satisfaction of their material and cultural requirements find to ensure a more successful advance along the road of building Communist society.
In the sphere of foreign policy the position of the Soviet Government is invariably to pursue the tried policy of preserving and consolidating peace, of ensuring the defence and security of the U.S.S.R., the policy of co-operation with all countries and development of business relations with them on the basis of observation of mutual interests.
A vital condition for consolidating peace and security of the peoples, the basis for preserving world peace, the decisive barrier to unleashing a new war, is inviolable fraternal friendship of the Soviet Union with the great Chinese people, with the working people in all the countries of people’s democracy, further consolidation of the great gain of the peoples − the camp of peace, democracy and Socialism. Comrade K. E. Voroshilov’s election as President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., and Comrade G. M. Malenkov’s appointment as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R., endorsement of the composition of the Government of the U.S.S.R. − the Council of Ministers to the U.S.S.R. − and the other decisions of the Supreme Soviet, met with the wholehearted and universal approval of the Soviet people. The Soviet people are deeply confident of their strength. They are confident that the Government of the U.S.S.R., headed by the true disciples and colleagues of the great Stalin, will without doubt, ensure the realisation of the policy elaborated by the Party and the Government. Together with the peoples of the Soviet Union this confidence is shared by the working people of the countries of people’s democracy, by all progressive mankind.
Stalin’s cause, Stalin’s ideas will live for ages!

The IV Session of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. took place on March 15, in the Great Kremlin Palace, in Moscow. The session was opened by Deputy M. A. Yasnov, Chairman of the Soviet of the Union. He proposed that the deputies rise in tribute to the bright memory of J. V. Stalin. In sorrowful silence in tribute to the great Stalin, the deputies and guests rose in their places. Then the Chairman made the announcement that Klement Gottwald, President of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, true friend of the Soviet Union had passed away on March 14, in Prague. Those present rose in tribute to the memory of Klement Gottwald. The session unanimously adopted a message of condolence to the National Assembly of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. In view of the fact that, by Decision of the joint meeting of’ the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., Comrade N. M. Shvernik had been recommended for the post of Chairman of the All-Union Central Council of the Trade Unions, Comrade N. S. Khrushchev moved that Comrade Shvernik be released from his duties as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. and that he be elected member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.. Comrade Khrushchev moved that Comrade KLEMENT EFREMOVICH VOROSHILOV be elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.. Comrade Khrushchev’s motions were unanimously adopted. On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Comrade L. P. Beria submitted for consideration by the session the following propose to appoint Comrade GEORGI MAXIMILIANOVICH MALENKOV Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and to request Comrade Malenkov to submit to the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. his proposals for the composition of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. − Our Party, workers. collective farmers, intelligentsia, and all the peoples of the Soviet Union, said Comrade L. P. Beria, know well and profoundly respect Comrade Malenkov as a talented disciple of Lenin and faithful colleague of Stalin. The deputies and guests rise. Tumultuous, prolonged applause in honour of Comrade Georgi Maximilianovich Malenkov resounded in the Hall of the Great Kremlin Palace. − I think, said Comrade Beria in conclusion, that I shall reflect the general opinion of the deputies by expressing the firm conviction that the Soviet Government, headed by Comrade Malenkov, will direct the entire construction of Communism in our country in the way taught by Lenin and Stalin (tumultuous, prolonged applause) , will selflessly serve the interests of our people. The session unanimously resolved: to appoint Georgi Maximilianovich Malenkov Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. The deputies and guests, standing, welcomed, with tumultuous applause the loyal colleague of the great Stalin. The session then proceeded to consider the composition of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the merging of the Ministries of’ the U.S.S.R.. Comrade G. M. Malenkov mounted the rostrum. All the deputies and guests rose and tumultuous, prolonged applause again resounded in the hall. The audience listened with keen attention to Comrade G. M. Malenkov, punctuating his speech with tumultuous applause. The session unanimously approved the Law on Merging the Ministries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The composition of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. also received unanimous approval.

In submitting these measures we proceed from the fact that we must work still more actively for realisation of the plans elaborated by the Party and the Government for the further development of the U.S.S.R., work more actively and more successfully to carry out these plans. We take as our starting point that the carrying out of the organisational undertakings in the sphere of improving state and economic leadership, submitted for deliberation by the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., will, without doubt, create better conditions for the successful solution of the historic tasks confronting our country − for the further constant and all-round consolidation of our great multi-national socialist state, for strengthening the mighty Soviet Armed Forces in order to ensure the defence and security of our Homeland; for further all-round development of socialist industry and for strengthening the collective-farm system, for the development of culture and for raising the material well-being of the workers, collective farmers, intelligentsia, and of all Soviet people; for ensuring a more successful advance along the pathway of building Communist society in our country. We are able successfully to effect the reorganisation for enlarging the ministries and to realise all its advantages since we have cadres who have grown considerably, who have acquired rich experience and who are able to take over the leadership of the enlargd ministries. The following proposals are submitted for consideration by the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.: To merge the Ministry of State Security of the U.S.S.R. and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the U.S.S.R. into one ministry − the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the U.S.S.R. To merge the Ministry of the Army and the Ministry of the Navy of the U.S.S.R. into one ministry − the Ministry of Defence of the U.S.S.R. To merge the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of’ Trade of the U.S.S.R. into one ministry − the Ministry of Home and Foreign Trade of the U.S.S.R. To merge the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Cotton Production, the Ministry of State Farms, the Ministry of Agricultural Stocks and the Ministry of Forestry into one ministry − the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Stocks of the U.S.S.R. To merge the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Cinematography, the Arts Committee, the Radio Information Committee. the Central Printing and Publishing Department and the Ministry of Labour Reserves into one ministry − the Ministry of Culture of the U.S.S.R. To merge the Ministry of Light Industry, the Ministry of the Food Industry, the Ministry of the Meat and Dairy Industry and the Ministry of the Fish Industry into one ministry − the Ministry of The Light and Food Industry of the U.S.S.R. To merge the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy and the Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy into one ministry − the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. To merge the Ministry of the Automobile and Tractor Industry, the Ministry of the Machine-and-Instrument-Making Industry, the Ministry of Agricultural Machinery Industry and the Ministry of the Machine-Tool Industry into one ministry − the Ministry of the Machine-Building Industry. To merge the Ministry of the Transport-Machinery Industry, the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry, the Ministry of the Heavy Machine-Building Industry and the Ministry of the Building and Road-Building Machinery Industry into one ministry − the Ministry of Transport and Heavy Machine-Building. To merge the Ministry of Power Stations, the Ministry of the Electrical Industry and the Ministry of the Communications Equipment into one ministry − the Ministry of Power Stations and Electrical Industry. To merge the Ministry of Munitions and the Ministry of the Aircraft Industry into one ministry − the Ministry of Defence Industry. To merge the Ministry of the Timber Industry and the Ministry of the Paper and Wood-Working Industry of the U.S.S.R. into one ministry − the Ministry of the Timber and Paper Industry of the U.S.S.R. To merge the Ministry of Construction of Heavy Industry Enterprises and the Ministry of Construction of Machine- Building Enterprises into one ministry − the Ministry of Construction. To merge the Ministry of the Merchant Marine, the Ministry of Inland Water Transport and the Chief Department of the Arctic Sea Route into one ministry − the Ministry of Merchant Marine and Inland Water Transport. To abolish the Ministry of Geological Survey, transmitting its functions correspondingly to the Ministry of the Metallurgical Industry, the Ministry of the Coal Industry, the Ministry of the Oil Industry, the Ministry of the Chemical Industry, the Ministry of the Building Materials Industry and to other ministries in charge of the extractive industry. To abolish the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the U.S.S.R., transmitting its functions to the Ministry of Railways. To merge the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. for Materials-Technical Supply of the National Economy (Gossnab) and the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. for Supplying Food and Industrial Goods (Gosprodsnab) with the State Planning Committee of the U.S.S.R. Comrade Deputies! In keeping with the assignment given me as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R., I hereby submit for deliberation by the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics the following composition of the Government of the U.S.S.R. − the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R.: First Affairs of the U.S.S.R. − LAVRENTI PAVLOVICH BERIA (Tumultuous applause. All rise); First Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the U.S.S.R. − VYACHESLAV MIKHAILOVICH (Tumultuous applause. All rise); First Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and Minister of Defence of the U.S.S.R. − Marshal of the Soviet Union NIKOLAI ALEXANDROVICH BULGANIN (Tumultuous applause. All rise); First Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. − LAZAR MOISEYEVICH KAGANOVICH (Tumultuous applause. All rise); Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and Minister of Home and Foreign Trade of the U.S.S.R. − ANASTAS IVANOVICH MIKOYAN (Tumultuous applause. All rise); Minister of Agriculture and Agricultural Stocks of the U.S.S.R. − Alexei Ivanovich Kozlov (Applause); Minister of Culture of the U.S.S.R. − Panteleimon Kondratyevich Ponomarenko (Applause); Minister of the Light and Food Industry of the U.S.S.R. − Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin (Applause); Minister of the Coal Industry − Alexander Fyedorovich Zasyadko (Applause); Minister of the Oil Industry − Nikolai Konstantinovich Baibakov (Applause); Minister of the Metallurgical Industry − Ivan Fyedorovich Tevosyan (Applause); Minister of the Chemical Industry − Sergei Mikhailovich. Tikhomirov (Applause); Minister of’ Machine Building − Maxim Zakharovich Saburov (Applause); Minister of Transport and Heavy Machine Building − Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Malyshev (Applause); Minister of Power Stations and Electrical Industry − Mikhail Georgiyevich Pervukhin (Applause); Minister of the Defence Industry − Dmitri Fyodorovich Ustinov (Applause); Minister of the Building Materials Industry of the U.S.S.R. − Pavel AlexandrovichYudin (Applause); Minister of the Timber and Paper Industry of the U.S.S.R. − Georgi Mikhailovich 0rlov (Applause); Minister of Construction − Nikolai Alexandrovich Dygai (Applause); Minister of Railway − Boris Pavlovich Beshchev (Applause); Minister of Communications − Nikolai Demyanovich Psurtsev (Applause); Minister of Merchant Marine and Inland Water Transport − Zosima Alexeyevich Shashkov (Applause); Minister of Finances of the U.S.S.R. − Arseni Grigoryevich Zverev (Applause); Minister of Public Health of the U.S.S.R. − Andrei Fyodorovich Tretyakov (Applause); Minister of Justice of the U.S.S.R. − Konstantin Petrovich Gorshenin (Applause); Minister of Control of the U.S.S.R. − Vsevolod Nikolayevich Merkulov (Applause); Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. − Grigori Petrovich Kosyachenko (Applause); Chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. for Construction − Constantin Mikhailovich Sokolov (Applause). Comrade Deputies! Submitting for deliberation by the Supreme Soviet the motion on the composition of the Government, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R., and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. proceeded from the fact that the strength of our leadership consists in its collectivity, solidarity and its monolithic character. We consider that strict observance of this high principle is the guarantee of correct leadership of the country, a vital condition for our further successful advance towards the construction of Communism in our country. In submitting the proposed composition of the Government ‘for” endorsement by the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., I consider it necessary to declare that in all its work the Government will strictly pursue in foreign and home affairs the policy elaborated by the Party. We have already stated this position of the Soviet Government. I have in mind my speech, Comrade L. P. Beria’s speech and Comrade V. M. Molotov’s speech at the memorial meeting on March 9. As regards home policy our declarations quite definitely stale that the Soviet Government will in the future to strengthen the indissoluble alliance of the working class and the collective-farm peasantry, the fraternal friendship of the peoples of our country, strengthen in every way the defence might of the socialist state, that unremitting care for the well- being of the people, for the maximum satisfaction of their material and cultural requirements, for the further flowering of our socialist Homeland is law for our Government. (Tumultuous applause). As regards foreign policy, the following fully emerges from our statements. The Soviet Government will invariably conduct the tried policy of preserving and consolidating peace, of ensuring the defence and security of the Soviet Union, the policy of co- operation with all countries and development of business relations with them on the basis of mutual observation of interests, will, in the future too, practice close political and economic co-operation, strengthen the bonds of fraternal friendship and solidarity with the great Chinese people, with all the peoples of the countries of people’s democracy. (Tumultuous applause). The Soviet peace policy is based on respect for the rights of the peoples of other countries, both large and small, on observing established international norms; the Soviet foreign policy is based on strict and precise observation of all treaties signed by the Soviet Union with other states. At the present time there is not a single controversial or unsettled question which could not be solved by peaceful means on the basis of mutual agreement of the interested countries. This goes for our relations with all states, including also our relations with the United States of America. States interested in preserving peace can rest assured both now and in the future of the durable peace policy of the Soviet Union. (Tumultuous applause). Comrade Deputies! The Soviet people have the greatest confidence in their forces. The might of the Soviet state, the moral-political unity of the Soviet people are great and indestructible as never before. The Soviet Government will devote all its efforts to struggle for building Communist society in our country, for a free and happy life for the Soviet people. (Tumultuous applause). We shall march forward along road of building Communism in close unity of the Party, the Government and the Soviet people, in the friendly fraternal family of all, peoples of the Soviet Union! (Tumultuous, prolonged applause. All rise).

“For a Lasting Peace, For a People’s Democracy !
Bucharest. Organ of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties
No. 12 (228) FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1953”

The past few days have given the whole world further striking proof of the outstanding successes of the Soviet Union, of the further strengthening of its might, of the steady advance of the Soviet people along the pathway to Communism. The decision of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union published on April 1, concerning another, the sixth reduction in state retail prices for foodstuffs and manufactured goods, is vivid confirmation of the steady growth of the economic might of the country building Communism, an indication of the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production and a striking demonstration of the tireless concern displayed by the Lenin-Stalin Party and the Soviet Government to ensure a steady rise in the material and cultural level of the Soviet people.
The systematic reduction in prices for consumer goods consistently carried out by the Soviet state ever since 1947 is a vital source of the rise in real earnings for factory and office workers and of real incomes for the peasants; it is striking confirmation of the beneficial functioning of the basic economic law of Socialism discovered and formulated by J. V. Stalin, the essential features and requirements of which are ensuring the maximum satisfaction of the constantly rising material and cultural requirements of the whole of society through the continuous expansion and perfection of socialist production on the basis of higher techniques.
“The aim of socialist production”, J. V. Stalin wrote, “is not profit, but man and his need, that is, the satisfaction of his material and cultural requirements... Consequently, maximum satisfaction of the constantly rising material and cultural requirements of the whole of society is the aim of socialist production; continuous expansion and perfection of socialist production on the basis of higher technique is the means for the achievement of the aim”.
As a result of the five reduction in state retail prices of effected in the U.S.S.R. in the postwar years prices for food and manufactured goods at the end of 1952 were, on the average, two times lower than at the end of 1947. As a result of the latest substantial reduction, affecting virtually all foods and manufactured goods and above all goods in the category of prime consumption, the Soviet people receive one of the biggest gains they have derived from the price reductions during the whole postwar period. This gain amounts to not less than 53 billion roubles a year. The latest reduction raises the well-being of the working people of the Soviet Union to a still higher level makes their life still happier and their work for the good of the homeland still more enthusiastic, because when life is good work goes with a swing.

The latest price reduction, which was received by all the working people of the Soviet Union with the greatest satisfaction and feeling of warm gratitude to the Communist Party and the Soviet Government, gives powerful stimulus to the further growth of the productive forces of the U.S.S.R., to increased productivity of labour.
“Our Party”, Comrade ‘ G. M. Malenkov said at the XIX Congress of the C.P.S.U. “will continue to display unceasing concern for satisfying to the maximum the constantly growing requirements of the Soviet people, because their welfare and their prosperity is the supreme law for our Party”. Today the whole world can see once again that in the case of the Lenin-Stalin Party and the Soviet Government words do not diverge from deeds, that their words are always followed by deeds.
The latest price reduction in the Soviet Union also testifies that measures of this kind can be effected only in the state whose entire policy serves the aims of peaceful construction, in the state whose economy, knowing neither crises nor stagnation and not burdened with militarisation, is steadily developing and gaining in strength and confidently increasing its tempo. The Soviet Union is directing all its efforts to expanding civilian industry, to construction of giant hydro-electric stations and irrigation systems, to further raising the well-being of the people.
The Soviet socialist power, in the prime of its strength, is confidently marching to fresh successes, in the struggle for building Communism. Today the Soviet social and state system which withstood with honour the gravest trials of the second world war is stronger than ever before. In the course of the noble struggle, a struggle permeated with heroism and creative endeavour, for realisation of the grand programme of Communist construction charted by the genius of Stalin, the powerful motive forces of Soviet society − moral-political

unity of the Soviet people, rallied around the Communist Party, the fraternal co-operation of the peoples of the U.S.S.R. and life-giving Soviet patriotism − make themselves felt in even more striking fashion.
The source of all the incurable ills of bourgeois society: private properly in the means and instruments of production, exploitation of man by man, and the crises inherent in capitalism, unemployment, poverty, racial and national inequality and growth of crime, − all have been abolished forever in the Soviet Union.
As a result of the world-historic victories of Socialism the life of the Soviet people has changed beyond recognition: the wellbeing and cultural level of the population have risen considerably, and the consciousness of the citizens has deepened; an attitude of honesty on the part of the Soviet workers, collective farmers and intelligentsia towards labour, towards fulfilling their civic duty, towards Soviet law is a characteristic and inalienable feature of Soviet society. All this enabled the Soviet state to effect measures of first- rate political significance. A week ago the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.. issued a Decree on Amnesty which stresses that in the present conditions there is no longer any need to keep in places of detention persons who have committed crimes which do not represent a great danger for the state, and who by their conscientious attitude towards labour have proved that they can return to an honest life of labour and become useful members of society.
Of particular significance is that part of the Decree which speaks of the need to review the Soviet Criminal Code with a view to replacing criminal responsibility for certain cases of malfeasance, economic crimes, breaches of the peace and other minor offenses by administrative and disciplinary measures and also to mitigate criminal responsibility for certain penal offenses. This section of the Decree reflects the increased

importance of the main function of the Soviet state − the function of economic-organisational and cultural-educational work which is assuming an ever greater significance. What a striking contrast to the capitalist world are these measure of the Soviet state, reflecting the steady strengthening of its might, its confident onward march! With what force do they confirm once again the decisive superiority of the socialist system over the decaying capitalist system! Here, in the camp of Socialism, there is steady advance of the peaceful economy of the Soviet Union and of People’s China and the other countries of people’s democracy, marching shoulder to shoulder with it, an economy knowing no crises and developing in the interests of ensuring maximum satisfaction of the material and cultural requirements of society; here steady improvement in the living standard of the popular masses, steady growth of consciousness among the working people consolidation of friendship and fraternal co- operation of the peoples.
There, in the camp of capitalism, frenzied militarisation and preparation for war are on the increase, branches of civilian industry curtailed, a steady onslaught of reaction against the democratic rights and freedoms of the working people, continual lowering of the standard of living of the popular masses reflected in growing unemployment, in constantly rising prices for consumer goods, in increased direct and indirect taxation and higher rents leading to a still greater decline in the purchasing power of the population. The working people of the capitalist countries − and official bourgeois sources cannot conceal this − are with every passing day eating less and living worse and worse.
Comparing their life, their unbearable conditions with life in the Soviet Union and the countries of people’s democracy, the working people in the capitalist, colonial and dependent countries are becoming more and more conscious of the fact

that in our day the people can find a happy life only by taking the pathway of struggle for social and national liberation, the pathway of struggle for peace, for democracy, for Socialism.
Ordinary people in all countries see in the successes of the Soviet Union the living reality of the victorious Communist construction, the reality of the advance to Communism, their future. With its brilliant achievements the Soviet socialist state is exerting a powerful influence on the course of world history, on the entire international situation. The Soviet Union is an inspiring example and guiding star for all the peoples of the world in their struggle for a happy future. With firm confidence in their inexhaustible strength and possibilities the Soviet people are going ahead with the great cause of Communist construction and there is no force in the world capable of halting their triumphant onward march to Communism!


On March 27, 1953, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. adopted a Decree “On Amnesty” which states:
“As a result of the consolidation of the Soviet social and state system, the rise in the material and cultural standards of the population, the growth of consciousness of the citizens, their honesty in carrying out their civic duty, the law and socialist order have been strengthened and crime has considerably declined in the country.
The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. considers that in these conditions there is no longer any need to keep in places of detention persons who have committed crimes which do not represent a great danger for the state, and who by their conscientious attitude to labour have proved that they can return to an honest life of labour and become useful members of society.
The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. hereby decrees:
1. To release from places of detention and to free from other penalties not connected with deprivation of freedom, persons sentenced to terms of up to and including 5 years.
2. To release from places of detention persons convicted, irrespective of the term of punishment for malfeasance and economic crimes as well as for military crimes covered by articles 193-4 paragraph ‘a’, 193-7, 193-8, 193-10; 193-10 ‘a’, 193-14, 193-15, 193-16 and 193-17 paragraph ‘a’ of the Criminal Code of the R.S.F.S.R. and the corresponding articles of the Criminal Codes of the other Union Republics.

  1. To release from places of detention, irrespective of the

term of penalty, convicted persons: women with children under 10 years of age and pregnant women; juveniles under 18 years of age; men over 55 and women over 50 and also convicted persons suffering from grave, incurable illness.

  1. To reduce by half the sentence on those deprived of freedom for more than 5 years.
  2. To drop all investigations and cases not examined by the courts regarding crimes committed prior to the present Decree:
    a) crimes for which the law provides a penalty in the form of deprivation of freedom for a term of up to and including 5 years or other penalties which do not involve confinement in places of detention;
    b) malfeasance, economic and military crimes enumerated in Article 2 of the present Decree;
    c) crimes committed by persons indicated in Article 3 of the present Decree. In other cases of crimes committed prior to the present Decree for which the law provides deprivation of freedom for more than 5 years, the court, if it deems it necessary to impose as penalty deprivation of freedom for not more than 5 years, releases the defendant from penalty; if however the court finds it necessary to impose deprivation of freedom for more than 5 years, it reduces the term by half.
  3. To remove the conviction and deprivation of electoral rights from citizens tried earlier and who, have served their penalty or who are being released ahead of time on the strength of the present Decree.
  4. Not to apply the amnesty to persons sentenced to a term of more than 5 years for counter-revolutionary crimes, grave embezzlement of socialist property, banditry and premeditated murder.
  5. To recognise the necessity of revising the Criminal Code of the U.S.S.R. and of the Union Republics with a view to replacing criminal responsibility for certain cases of

malfeasance, economic crimes, breaches of the peace and other less dangerous crimes by administrative and disciplinary measures and also to mitigate criminal responsibility for certain penal offenses.
To instruct the Ministry of Justice of the U.S.S.R. to elaborate within one month corresponding proposals and to submit them to the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. for consideration and for submission by them to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.”

On New Reduction In State Retail Prices For Foodstuffs And Manufactured Goods
The Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union have decreed: 1. From April 1, 1953 to reduce state retail prices for foodstuffs and manufactured goods as follows:
Rye bread, wheat bread, roils, cracknels and other bakery goods 10 per cent Rye, wheat, maize and other flours 10 per cent Macaroni, vermicelli, noodles and other macaroni items 10 per cent
Millet, buckwheat, rice, peas and other cereals and beans 10 per cent Food concentrates 10 per cent Powdered jelly and jelly 10 per cent
Rye, wheat, oats, barley and other grains, bran, oilcake, meal, combined fodder, hay and straw 10 per cent
Beef, mutton, pork, poultry, salami, frankfurters and other sausage items, meat pies, canned meats, canned meats with vegetables, canned pork and beans and other meat products 15 per cent
Fish, chilled, frozen, salted and smoked, herring and canned fish, on the average, 10 per cent
Butter, edible fats, margarine and vegetable oils 10 per cent Mayonnaise and other sauces 10 per cent Eggs 10 per cent Ice-cream 10 per cent
Potatoes 50 per cent Beet 50 per cent Carrots 50 per cent Fresh cabbage and other vegetables 50 per cent Sauerkraut 50 per cent Apples 50 per cent
Pears 50 per cent Grapes 50 per cent Tangerines 50 per cent Oranges 50 per cent Lemons 50 per cent Canned fruit 25 per cent Dehydrated vegetables 25 per cent Dried fruit and nuts 20 per cent
Sugar, granulated and lump 10 per cent Caramels, sweetmeats, chocolate, biscuits, wafers, cake, cream cakes, pastry, rusks and other confectionery products 10 per cent Jam and fruit preserves 10 per cent Tea, on the average, 20 per cent Coffee and cocoa 20 per cent Vitamins 10 per cent Salt unground 30 per cent Salt ground unpackaged 20 per cent Salt packaged
Vodka 11 per cent Liqueurs, brandies, cordial, wines from fruit and berries, cognacs and Soviet champagne 15 per cent Beer 15 per cent Grape wine 15 per cent

Cotton prints, sateen, calico and other cotton Fabrics 15 per cent Natural silk fabrics 15 per cent Worsted, fine woollen and other woollen and Semi-woollen fabrics 5 per cent Linen fabrics 8 per cent
Cotton dresses, blouses, underwear and other cotton items, on the average, 14 per cent Linen dresses, blouses, underwear and other linen items, on the average, 7 per cent Dresses, blouses and other items from natural silk 12 per cent Knitted goods, on the average, 5 per cent Hosiery, on the average, 20 per cent Headwear from cotton, silk, semi-woollen and coarse-woollen fabrics 10 per cent Hats, berets and felt cloches woollen 15 per cent Straw hats 10 per cent Fur articles and skins 7 per cent Fur articles from skins of foxes and polar foxes 15 per cent
Leather footwear 8 per cent Leather footwear on rubber soles 10 per cent Footwear made of leather substitutes, footwear made of fabrics and combined footwear on leather soles 12 per cent

Footwear made of leather substitutes, footwear made of fabrics and combined footwear on rubber soles 20 per cent High overshoes and rubber boots 10 per cent Overshoes and other rubber footwear 15 per cent Felt footwear 5 per cent
Textile and metal haberdashery and haberdashery made of leather and leather substitutes, on the average, 10 per cent Lace and curtain-lace articles 10 per cent Needles for sewing machines and other machines, for hand sewing and other needles 20 per cent Thread and thread items 10 per cent Articles from plastic materials 10 per cent Tooth brushes, clothes brushes and other bristle and brush articles, on the average, 15 per cent
Household soap 15 per cent Toilet soap 20 per cent Perfumes, eau de cologne and other perfumery and cosmetic goods 10 per cent High grade cigarettes 10 per cent Cigarettes of other grades and tobacco 5 per cent Makhorka 10 per cent
Musical instruments, on the average, 10 per cent Writing paper, notebooks and other articles made of paper and cardboard 10 per cent Pencils, nibs, penholders and other writing and drawing appliances 15 per cent Fountain pens and pencils, on the average, 20 per cent Rubber, celluloid, metal and other toys and fir tree decorations 10 per cent
Porcelain articles and earthenware, on the average, 15 per cent Glass items for lamps and high-grade pressed Glassware 20 per cent High-grade blown glass articles and household glassware and mirrors 10 per cent
Electric bulbs 25 per cent Domestic electrical appliances, electric fixtures and other electrical goods 15 per cent Vacuum cleaners 25 per cent “ZIS-Moskva” refrigerators and washing machines 15 per cent Axes, saws, drills, blacksmith, fitter, carpenter and other tools 20 per cent Pitchforks, scythes, sickles and other small agricultural implements 20 per cent Carts, wheels and other parts for carts 10 per cent
Castings for ovens 10 per cent Utensils made from aluminium of primary alloys, enamelled iron, galvanized iron, enamelled cast-iron, brass, stainless steel and cupro-nickel 10 per cent Utensils made from tinned iron 30 per cent Cutlery 10 per cent Hardware, meat-grinders, kerosene stoves, Lamps, lanterns and other metal household goods 10 per cent Sewing machines 10 per cent Furniture 5 per cent Factory-made carpets and carpet articles 5 per cent Feather and down articles 10 per cent Oil cloth, granitol and calico 10 per cent Wadding and fleecy stockinet 8 per cent Dyes for household dying of fabrics 20 per cent
Slate and felt roofing 20 per cent Window glass 10 per cent Structural and roofing iron 10 per cent Building nails 25 per cent Nails for horseshoes, for footwear, and other nails 20 per cent Bolts, rivets, screws for wood, ceramic slabs, metal nets, wires and pipes 20 per cent Cement 25 per cent Lacquers, paints and chemicals for household 10 per cent Sanitary equipment 10 per cent Linoleum 15 per cent Wallpaper 20 per cent

Sanitary and hygienic rubber articles 20 per cent Medicines and other sanitary and hygienic articles, on the average, 15 per cent
Matches 17 per cent Kerosene 25 per cent Benzene and lubricating oils 25 per cent
Bicycles and spare parts for them 10 per cent Tyres and tubes, for motor cars and motor cycles 10 per cent Tyres and tubes for bicycles and balls for athletic games 20 per cent Skates 10 per cent Skis 15 per cent Hunting guns, appliances and ammunition 15 per cent Hunting and fishing appliances 10 per cent Wrist watches 5 per cent Pocket watches and clocks 10 per cent

  1. To reduce prices accordingly in restaurants, dining rooms and other catering establishments.
    “For a Lasting Peace, For a People’s Democracy !

    Bucharest. Organ of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties
    No. 14 (230) FRIDAY, APRIL 3 , 1953”